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Someone (read: me) might have forgotten to move the drafted Double Stream Days post to "publish" and was confused why they were alone on a stream last night.

I'm not proud to say it took me like five minutes blathering on before I realized my mistake bahahah.

SO I HAVE MOVED THEM. (Note, we did just have Daylight Savings Time here so I might be an hour earlier/later than usual compared to your timezone!)

Double Stream Day #1 is TONIGHT at 7:00pm CDT. You can find the link here. :) 

Double Stream Day #2 is TOMORROW at 7:00am CDT. And you can find that link here. :) 

The plus side is that I just finished the rewrite of Act I of Project Death yesterday, so I'll get to start Act II alongside y'all! :) You'll give me just the push I need.

Thanks so much everyone and happy writing!!


Aced Coffee

Congrats on finishing Act I! Yeeeah... if I hadn't double and triple failsaves in my planning ventures I'd forget where I put my own head ๐Ÿ˜… sometimes things slip through the cracks


THANK YOUUUU! And right?? I swear I have stuff in my monthly calendar, in my planner, and on my Notion and yet alas bahahaha.


I barely am able to make these live but I always play them back when I'm writing later. I'll add them to the queue behind last months. Ooops. But YAY on so much progress with Project Death. Watching you stick with that project is inspiring.