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A Race to the End of July!! (an update & an experiment)

  • Using the Stair Step Writing Challenge 41
  • Not Tracking ANY Word Counts 8
  • Only Using Long (45+) Sprints 6
  • Only Using Short (<15) Sprints 6
  • Aiming for 10K in 1 Day 22
  • Revisiting the "5K Words in an Hour" Chris Fox Method 22
  • 2022-07-27
  • 105 votes
{'title': 'A Race to the End of July!! (an update & an experiment)', 'choices': [{'text': 'Using the Stair Step Writing Challenge', 'votes': 41}, {'text': 'Not Tracking ANY Word Counts', 'votes': 8}, {'text': 'Only Using Long (45+) Sprints', 'votes': 6}, {'text': 'Only Using Short (<15) Sprints', 'votes': 6}, {'text': 'Aiming for 10K in 1 Day', 'votes': 22}, {'text': 'Revisiting the "5K Words in an Hour" Chris Fox Method', 'votes': 22}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 7, 27, 13, 59, 14, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 105}


HELLO Y'ALL! Long time, no talk, my sincerest apologies! It's been a whirlwind of a month, but we are nearing the end of it.

So at the start of July, I set several writing goals for Camp NaNoWriMo. I've accomplished.....

  • 1 goal in full (outlining my novel following Romancing the Beats),
  • .25 of my Project Death goal,
  • .25 of my previous Camp project I was writing with my brother,
  • and probably .33 of my Episode goals.

And while I'm happy with those numbers (though could be happier bahaha), these plans did get a little bulldozed by a new project:

There was this cozy mystery idea that's been plaguing my brain for a couple months, but I hadn't yet figured out the main character and whodunnit enough and then, maybe in a dream?, it all came to me.

So I started plotting voraciously. (I've had mysteries before where I've struggled and KNOW now that I need to fully plot them out. But something about it being a cozy, I think, made this much easier. 10/10, would highly recommend!)

All in all, because of said whirlwind, I haven't actually spent THAT many days (9) writing in it....

HOWEVER! I'd love to add about 5 more days to that total. In fact, the last 5 days of July bahaha.

Because of my new deadline for Project Death (to get it to my CP, the fabulous Jessica Williamson) by September 1st, I need to spend all of August on that project.

And because this cozy mystery popped out of me, somehow mostly formed already, I thiiiiiiiiink I could actually give this current draft, once finished, to some alpha readers??

I have NEVER had that happen before.

But it would be the perfect way to clear my mind of the project: to finish and then hand it off!

(This would also mean that I'd have completely written the story in a total of 14 days AKA 2 weeks, which sounds absurd but also very fun.)

I'm betting that this first cozy draft will be 45K words total, which means that I'd need to write about 25K of those in the next 5 days. (But I've already done the hard work of plotting it all, right??)

So the question for y'all, the experiment for this month, I guess, is: 

Which methods should I use, in the next 4-5 days, to accomplish this goal?? I'll probably use the 3 most popular of these 6. (All of these are methods I've tried before and have found helpful at different times!)

And before I finish off this post, another couple updates:

  • the Neil Gaiman writing experiment will be posted this week,
  • our Double Stream Day will also be this weekend, during this challenge for me (which is perfect), so I'll post up those dates and times in a couple days,
  • and I'm a little behind on testing out timeline softwares (in a great way, because they've been so helpful and intensive), but should have that video up in August!

ALRIGHT! I think that's it for me. Please do let me know how your July is going and if you're also racing to the end trying to get something done! 

Good luck and happy writing! ☀️



I told myself I’d finish my second draft for beta readers by end of July and here I am…. not done with it. But I’m proud of everyone hitting their writing goals!

Kit Gulick

I'm on a toss up between Stair Step and 5k in an hour. I don't even think I could dictate something coherent at 5k an hour.