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  • Test & compare WORLD-BUILDING software. (World Anvil, Campfire, Chronographer, Kanka, etc.) 52
  • Test & compare TIMELINE/PLOTTING software. (Ex: Aeon Timeline, Plottr, Scrivener, etc.) 89
  • 2022-06-07
  • 141 votes
{'title': "JUNE'S MONTHLY EXPERIMENT ๐Ÿ‘พ๐Ÿ’ป", 'choices': [{'text': 'Test & compare WORLD-BUILDING software. (World Anvil, Campfire, Chronographer, Kanka, etc.)', 'votes': 52}, {'text': 'Test & compare TIMELINE/PLOTTING software. (Ex: Aeon Timeline, Plottr, Scrivener, etc.)', 'votes': 89}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 6, 7, 15, 22, 54, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 141}


This month's writing experiment is inspired by Project Death Draft 5! Before starting the rewrite, I knew I needed to focus on several things:

  • expanding the world-builiding,
  • fleshing out some character backstories,
  • re-working Act 2 leading into Act 3 and getting rid of the "stressy messy" ending.

I've done most of these on my own, either brainstorming by hand or dragging and dropping in Scrivener & Campfire....


I thought, wouldn't it be fun to play around with a bunch of different software? Test it out and see what works for me, maybe even learn some new hacks in my current software (as I joke that I only know 5% of Scrivener's capabilities).

A lot of times, I learn/realize new things simply by LOOKING at them in a different way. And I am ready for ALL the epiphanies.

So please let me know which you'd be more interested in: testing out world-building software or testing out plotting software!?

A QUICK NOTE: Several of these options I listed do BOTH world-building and plotting (and let you draft) -- which is very cool. I just sorta grouped them in what they seem to help with most? But that might be something I learn along the way!

I would also loooooove if you could let me know what YOU use to help you plot/draft/build your world. etc. I'm debating playing around with Notion & OneNote too since a lot of people organize their story that way.

And please let me know if you'd prefer individual videos testing these out rather than grouping them into one comparison video. :)

Thanks y'all and happy writing!!



I used to use microsoft but now I'm switching to google docs since searching by key words across the whole drive is much easier! Although the process of moving everything over is taking forever, not to mention all the re-world building that needs to happen haha


I used to use Scrivener, then I got a new laptop that can't run it. Now I use a mix of Notion (as I would Scrivener for World Building) and then Google Docs to write.