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Hey y'all! I want to throw out some ideas and plans we came up with during the Patreon livestream yesterday.

First off, Camp NaNoWriMo is coming up. (That's right, it's Prepune! Bahaha.) And I wanted to do our own weekly livestreams again. I already stream Tuesday - Friday on Twitch, and don't super enjoy doubling up on sprint days, SO that leaves Mondays, Saturdays, and Sundays for potential patron-only Camp NaNo sprints! Would y'all prefer to have a dedicated day throughout July where we sprint together OR switch it up (so potentially more/different people would be able to join occasionally, depending on schedules)? Let me know!

Also during the stream, Rainy Hammer let us know that they're currently attempting ~chaos scheduling~ by randomly selecting which of their projects they work on each day. (So, in theory, you'd work on one of your projects per day, not knowing which it would be until that morning, but by the end of the week, you'd have worked on ALL the projects you have.) With Rainy's blessing - IF they don't absolutely hate this experiment bahaha - I'll be trying and vlogging it too!

So my question for the rest of y'all is if you've tried a new writing routine or writing experiment and would like me to attempt it too! (Or if you have something you've wanted to try for a while and would rather see me flail in my attempt first bahaha.)

Thanks everyone and happy June!! 🦄


Zara Hoffman

I like the switching it up idea! But I can't do Monday nights because of grad school so I hope that's not an option *fingers crossed* And can you do a night-owl writing experiment (where you only write after dark, or after dinner, or something) as a kind of inverse to the 5am Writers Challenge? I know you're a morning person so that'll probably suck but... please?


I vote switching the days up so more people get a chance to attend a livestream 😀


I like the idea of switching it up, especially since your streams tend to be in the middle of my Day Job so I'm not able to write 😭 I'd love some late afternoon sprints and weekend sprints in general are great! I recently tried Rachael Stephen's Plot Embryo to help me untangle some plot stuff and I think you'd enjoy it!


I also like the idea of switching it up so everyone can participate. One thing I would really appreciate if a little vlog or something laying out what your prep plans for june are. I like the idea of a night owl routine someone mentioned

Rainy Hammer

Of course, you can try out the chaos schedule. Things are currently going great with me. I will tell more about it later in the stream. Currently writing up a blogpost about it and planning to release it at the end of the week. Feel free to contact me through discord if you have questions.


Is there any way that we could have a late night one during the weekends? Not extremely late-I can barely make it to midnight (CDT) anymore. But maybe it can be a short one for someone that's doing catch-up work, or get-ahead work, or wants to look over and edit what they've already done.


I agree about switching it up! Also, I can't always attend streams because of my day job so a late night option would be amazing too!

Tib Roe

I'm all for chaos scheduling as that's how my life is run in general haha. I really wouldn't mind seeing some later streams so I'm not lurking at work. Nothing crazy late, but late afternoon/early evening would be super!

Hayley Haggerty

Switching up projects sounds super cool, I've had luck doing that as well lately! I would also like the idea of late-night or weekend streams just for fun!

Regina Duke

Argh! I missed your most recent stream :( Re: planning for June streams, as long as I don't have to wake up at 3 a,m. I will do my best to be there! LOL


I agree with those saying to switch it up. And to help with those that have day jobs, maybe an evening stream on the week you do Mondays? Please? Lol

Sasha Green

I concur. Spread the wealth so more people have a chance to catch one of the streams. : )


I like having set scheduled streams but also don't mind having random scheduling


I don't mind scheduled or chaotic! lol I'm pretty flexible with writing


I think random ones would let more people join but both sound great! Also, the chaotic scheduling experiment sounds so fun!!


I would love if there was at least one stream that people in Australia could attend! I can't go to any of your Twitch streams because they're in the middle of the night.


I am also down for chaos scheduling! I'm not available Wednesdays but that's about it. In terms of writing experiment, I've been trying out this editing technique: turn your prose into free verse and edit it like poetry, then put it back together and see how it reads


Just got back from camping - wrote almost 8000 words in three days! I know some people can write that in a day, but for me it was a great accomplishment.❤

Belle Lyons (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-09 18:23:52 I love the idea of switching up the stream days for sure. Also, my most recent 'writing experiment' is actually based on my reading habits - So, I take the page number of the book I'm on and if it's <20 I write that many PAGES in my book. If its >20 I write that many words. It's actually been a huge motivator to get through the openings of books and actually sit my butt down and write, and given that most of my books are between 200-250 pages, I'm not actually dedicating myself to too many words for the day, so it can be a good way to start out a day of writing based on the previous day's reading habits.
2021-06-04 13:35:59 I love the idea of switching up the stream days for sure. Also, my most recent 'writing experiment' is actually based on my reading habits - So, I take the page number of the book I'm on and if it's <20 I write that many PAGES in my book. If its >20 I write that many words. It's actually been a huge motivator to get through the openings of books and actually sit my butt down and write, and given that most of my books are between 200-250 pages, I'm not actually dedicating myself to too many words for the day, so it can be a good way to start out a day of writing based on the previous day's reading habits.

I love the idea of switching up the stream days for sure. Also, my most recent 'writing experiment' is actually based on my reading habits - So, I take the page number of the book I'm on and if it's <20 I write that many PAGES in my book. If its >20 I write that many words. It's actually been a huge motivator to get through the openings of books and actually sit my butt down and write, and given that most of my books are between 200-250 pages, I'm not actually dedicating myself to too many words for the day, so it can be a good way to start out a day of writing based on the previous day's reading habits.


A new writing experiment I’ve been trying is similar to yours actually with slight variation. I write in the morning and then edit in the afternoon but I use the app “edit out loud” so I can hear a chapter read back to me while I’m making edits. I feel like it makes me notice flow/ awkward sentence while drafting.