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Currently scheduled for: Monday, September 7th @ 7:30am CST. Happy September and Happy Milwordy, y'all! This is going to be the last day before we get the keys to the house and the demo can begin! So I really wanted to make sure I got a lot of words in and hoped y'all would be down for joining.

(To join in the live write-in conversation, click on the video itself so that it opens up a new browser on YouTube! As long as you're signed in to your YouTube account, you'll be able to comment along with the rest of us!)


SEPTEMBER / MILWORDY WEEK 1 live writing sprints! :)



It's a little early for me, but I might try to make it


This will be on my birthday! I'll definitely try to make it!


Gotta work on my sleep schedule between now and then but sounds good to me!

Zara Hoffman

A bit early for me (I normally roll out of bed only a little before this) but I'll be sure to make it! I honestly thought there wasn't going to be one in the first half of the month because of your move so I'm very happy about this!


This is so perfect for me, see you all there!

Regina Duke

So exciting!!! Looking forward to the sprints!


Yay! I’ll be off from work so I can actually join live instead of watching the replay :)


Alert set! I might actually be able to make this one! <3

Regina Duke

ARGH!!!! I missed it!!!! *pouty face* I got wrapped up in something else and didn't check my calendar. Boo-hoo!!! Rats. Sigh. Will watch it later.

Anna Robbins

bahaha logs in to Patreon to check the livestream date....realizes it was this morning xD

Jocelyn DeVore

I hate it that I miss these Patreon livestreams all the time (my fault cause I put them in my calendar but still manage to forget them). But I do love that I can rewatch it after the fact. Also, I didn't know the Discord was up and running either. :(

Amy Lehman

@katecavanaugh Did I miss the announcement about the discord? I would love to join if its up and running.