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(But first, a Silly Little Puppy tax. Look at them cheeks.)

First off,  the July/August experiment poll was one of the CLOSEST we've had in a while. HECK YES. Because of that, I'd hoped to complete both options (Designated Days and Writing Vacation) this month. The Boyfriend and I were planning to set out on a week-long camping trip today and get even farther away from people, BUT in a very quick turn of events, we're moving! The Boyfriend bought a house and we get the keys the second week of September!

Which means we've begun the process of packing and moving! (This time, all of my books are coming with me! He's slowly realizing what he's gotten himself into, mwahahaha.)

But that means that the Writing Vacation will actually take place in September. (For those of you following along with MILWORDY, yes, I'll have one full week of doing My Best and then I'm taking a week or two "off" to do some renovations on the house and get everything moved in.) Y'all. Y'all. This is going to be crazy.

All that's to say, today's my last day of filming for the Designated Days experiment, so that will be uploaded soon, and I'll schedule our monthly live write-in shortly, but the extra experiment and extra live write-in won't be happening. :( And probably no double bonus sprints next month either, I'm so sorry! :(

Hope y'all are all doing well and let me know if you've had any fun recent life changes or updates! ☀️



That’s great!


Yeey! Happy for you Kate!


Congrats, Kate and "The Boyfriend" 👍


Congrats on the move! And don't worry about us, sometimes "real life" needs to come first and I think moving definitely falls in that category lol

Zara Hoffman

Congratulations! I hope you have a great time moving! And no worries about the extra sprints. You gotta do what you gotta do.


YAY TO BEING A HOME OWNER. This made me so happy in so many ways. I’m glad that you get to take all of your books haha. I hope you both have a great transition and the renovations go well!

Sara F.

Good luck Kate. I hope everything goes well. :)


Omg!! Congrats!! So awesome that you get to have all your books with you too! I’ll be thinking of you when writing during September! May I ask if you’re still going to be near your parents?


Congrats on the house! Looking forward to the new book and writing setup you can do!




Congrats! Looking forward to see if you make a room just dedicated to books!


Thats so exciting! Congratulations to you both :)

Kristina Tickle

Ahh! Congrats, Kate! I'm so happy for you both! Take all the time you need to settle into your new home!




"Life is what happens to you, while you're busy making other plans" as John Lennon said. ;) It happens to me all the time... :) Congratulations an all the best wishes!

Sarah Aiston

Yay, congratulations on your new home with the boyfriend. Do you get a room for your writing?

Michelle Marr

Good luck with the renovations and moving hope you have an amazing time 💞

Regina Duke

Hurray for wonderful changes! The best part of buying a house is never worrying about your pups making a mess again. LOL I joke that I bought mine so I could have dogs. And I traded in for new cars every time I added another dog. It's great. :D Enjoy the thrill of a new place! Still in the same town? Close to your folks? And Duke?

Charlotte Armstrong

My life has been depressingly predictable lately which I guess is a change 😂 I'm just waiting for the day to come when I can go out to a café and spend the whole day writing or get back in a theatre and play with lights again! Excited to hear about your move though! I hope it goes smoothly and without too much stress!


Congratulations! How exciting! :D


Congrats! That sounds awesome (and tiring but the good things clearly outweigh!) I hope you have a great time moving and don't get too stressed out (like I did with my last move :D :D ) My life is getting busier as well with that damn master's thesis I need to write, but oh well :D


Yay!! Congrats Kate!




Congrats Kate! That's exciting stuff going on!


Enjoy settling into your new place!

Christina Creech

I'm so happy for y'all! <3 Glad things are working out for you!

Elizabeth Falk

I just saw this. How exciting!!

Elizabeth Falk

I’m so happy for you, Kate!