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Currently scheduled for: Wednesday, July 22nd @ 1:30pm CST! (Sorry for getting this up without much advance notice.)

ALSOOOOOO, in Discord news, I hope to have that all connected before Monday of next week. (So that we can start doing our weekly check-ins together!) I ended up with the name "Project Discord (it's chaos, it's fine)". Is it long? Yes. But it encompassed everything too perfectly. Thanks so much for all of your suggestions! :)

(To join in the live write-in conversation, click on the video itself so that it opens up a new browser on YouTube! As long as you're signed in to your YouTube account, you'll be able to comment along with the rest of us!)


☀️ weekly camp nanowrimo patreon live write-in 🌙



I'm so excited to be joining my first patreon live stream! :)

Lewis Stockton

Will try and hang around for a but longer than I have before! Cant wait


:( aw man!! I’ll still be at work at that time! One of these days I’ll be able to join a write in


Awe man! I unfortunately have to miss out on the live write in fun for the rest of the month. Gotta work Wednesdays now. I hope everyone enjoys and I'll definitely go back to get the words again afterwards!

Alvin Fraser

Yeah, so I guess this means that, by default, Charlotte is one of the Admins of the server.

Jordan Fiegehen

I’ll be at work, but I’m excited to watch it later! (Also I’m super stoked I helped name the discord 🤗)

Zara Hoffman

How long will this go for? I'll be coming in late...

Juniper Woodbury

May have to switch back and forth between fun writing (🤗) and work writing (😑), but I shall be there nonetheless! Can't wait


:D I'm excited for my first patreon live stream!

Sarah Aiston

I missed it, hopefully will make the next one :)