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Okay so this will be the "official" Patreon write-in for the month, but be prepared for some Day Before announcements in the future! This NaNo is kicking my butt! 🙃

Currently schedule for: Friday, November 15th at 7am CST!

Hope to see y'all there! :)


(PATREON) NaNoWriMo Live Write-In! ☕️

Let's get some words in together! :)



Yay 😀

NoFilter Kristine

Aaah that's 5am Cali! I hope I can get up! I don't want to miss that!


Dang, I’ll be heading to work then. Y’all have fun and happy writing.


Can’t wait this one


I will also be on my way to work, but I will see if I can catch some sprints on my commute. (I ride the bus, don't worry i am not writing while driving ;) )


I will be making the most of the recording. I'm still clawing my way back from 2 zero word days. Thanks :)

Jordan Fiegehen

I’m working until 3am the night before, but not the Friday, so imma be there!


I might be at work at this time but I hope I can make it!!


I'll be on for a little bit, excited for it!!

Ana Mulholland

i can’t make it because i’m in school but this will be really helpful to come back to when i get home!!


Oh, man, that'll be 5 am for me, so... maybe, lol! If I can't catch it live, I'll def join a replay. Hope you have a great week!


I have exam that day sadly, but I'll watch it afterwards and get some writing done. :)

Kate Ayre

That’s midnight my time but if I’m awake I’ll be there 😁

Regina Duke

Looking forward to it!!! 5:00 a.m. my time. :D


It's about 2 p.m. for me, so yes! I'm really looking forward to it :)

Regina Duke

Good Morning! Still dark here... passed 26K yesterday.

Natacha Levesque

How do I get to the youtube video :O?

Regina Duke

I'm not sure how to comment on this venue, but I am writing along. Just hit 27K. :D


Yay that was great! Thank you so much :)

Natasha Pereira

I'm watching this late... see that you're looking for a new keyboard. Nearly any bluetooth keyboard will work with apple. I jsut picked up a really cheep one from Amazon, it's not perfect but it's getting the job done!

Natasha Pereira

hahaha and then I see that you're getting the apple one. Yes! That is the best and most comfortable one in my opinion

Kate Ayre

So sad I missed it but I was sleeping :'( I'll just watch it now and pretend I was there, again!