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Helllllooooooo! So since I need to make a little more progress before I leave for Disney World, I decided to see if any of y'all wanted to prep/write/edit/revise/generally work together for a couple hours. :)

Stream currently scheduled for Friday, October 25th at 6:30 am CST. (I'm hoping since it's a Friday, some of y'all in Australia/New Zealand might be able to catch it even though it's late in the night!)


Let's Prep/Write/Revise Together! :)



Lucky I write late at night! Keen to do this 😍


Aussie here: I’d like to join! 😁


Yes!!! See you there!


I'll be joining from Korea!


Ooh, I will join! I haven’t written or edited anything this month bc of my online classes!


Gonna try and make it! Getting an injection in my back sometime that day so we’ll see how I feel.


I'll be there! It's right after I take my son to the bus for school

Elizabeth Falk

Yay! I’m at a conference in Austin this week so, for once, we are in the same time zone. 🙂


Very Japan-friendly, thank you! :-D


I'll try to be there!!


I’m sad I totally forgot this! Oh, well, next time!

Natacha Levesque

I will be doing livestreams on my channel every wednesday for NaNoWriMo... I'm kind of scared I will live stream and no one will be there, but I think it will be fun anyway! (:

NoFilter Kristine

How do we find out when these things are? I missed it. :( You're my favourite youtuber btw!