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Y'all, it's about to be freaking Preptober! Now obviously I'm going to be participating in NaNoWriMo and, like a lot of you, I'm going to be spending October prepping my story!

This year though, I'm planning on prepping like never before! (Does this sound dramatic enough??) I'm not usually huge on outlining/prepping, but this year, I'm going all out.

SO, with that being said, which of these things should I definitely try? (And if you have any experience with either, I'd love to hear about it!)

I'll check back on the results by October 9th and then vlog my attempt with whichever wins. :) If the results look pretty split, I'll try to give them both a go!



Map for the win!! ❤️


I can tell you that creating a map of anything is SO helpful, even if it's circles for places and triangles for mountains! they don't all have to have names but it helps so much. I have drawings of almost everything, usually of the inside of houses (Sims 4 for the win!) so I know where my characters are going EVERY TIME. Next is drawing dresses...

Becca C. Smith

I'm working on my map now too!!! Having a lot of fun!!

Mary Wockenfuss

I've never heard of a mood board before.




I kind of wanna see both being done 😅


Map for sure. In a fantasy world it is so helpful. It is another one of those things that will go through many drafts but it is fun to start general and then add more as you figure it out.


Map is so helpful though I like both.


Oooh, that's such a good idea! Maybe I'll start with circles and triangles first and then get more fancy with it hahah. And using the Sims for that sounds genius! (I'm very curious about these dress drawings too!)


It looks like the map is probably going to win, but I might still try my hand at a mood board! I'm terrible at them, so it'd be funny for a laugh at least bahaha.

James Mathias Hinkle

I'm a personal hoe for mood boards, but I also love maps. I'm so split between the two, LOL.

Markus Regius

Make a map! I love maps! I go overboard with, like, wind patterns, ocean currents, realistic climates and all that, but even just a basic one is incredibly helpful just for getting a sense of how big the world is, what realistic travel times between point A and point B would be and so on :)

Kristina Tickle

Deffo maps! You can even put it in the front pages of your books!