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Just a quick post letting y'all know I made it home safely, albeit unfortunately sick once again because nobody wears masks in Germany and I spent ten hours on a bus in direct proximity with a woman who was very clearly sick but kept insisting it was allergies. 8') 

Apologies for the delay on getting files sent out, thankfully I can now recuperate a little more consistently and will be getting the rest of them sent soon. Thanks for the patience folks!



OH NO.... I hope you feel better soon! Do let me know if the Google Form I sent went through when you can (REST FIRST) because I sent it kind of early but it's absolutely not the priority here, you hear me??


Hope you feel better soon ^^


I work in retail, and I get sick people all the time tell me they're fine, meanwhile they can't leave the house without an oxygen machine.


Working retail is hell on earth, there's a reason I haven't tried to go back even though doing art full-time is stressful. People are so inconsiderate.