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HEY FOLKS, so a bunch of you have probably noticed that your cards keep getting declined over and over-- I have been informed that this is because Patreon moved its payment-processing headquarters to Ireland and didn't tell anybody, so now all the banks think they're committing credit card fraud.

More importantly, this is NOT YOUR FAULT and I don't think there's anything we can do about it until Patreon sorts its shit out? But just in case, if you have had your card declined, I would recommend getting in touch with your bank and letting them know what's up-- given that this is happening on such a massive scale, I don't know if the banks themselves will be able to fix it, but it can't hurt.

On my end, I pay myself at the END of each month so I am not technically in dire straits, but of course I am pretty upset that this is causing trouble for you guys, and kind of worried about their ability to resolve this in a timely manner-- because hoo boy do I got bills to pay.

In any case, hang in there, and please let me know (ideally in the comments, but if you'd prefer to message me on Discord or Telegram instead that's okay) if/how this is affecting you, if you've lost access to the not-public posts here, etc.



Seems to be working now. I got confirmation email


Glad it went through-- do you know if it successfully charged you, though? The payment period passed so my fear is that it's just skipping you and will decline you again later.


Actually I can still see membership stuff so it must've gone through.


Do you know the date that you were last charged for the access? If it's between August 1st and now then that should mean it's all set.


Just joined this patreon so unfortunately I have no clue what happened. Hopefully nothing too bad happened! Stay safe and be in good health everyone!


Hi there, welcome! The issue has to do with Patreon messing something up so that lots of banks are declining when patrons are trying to pay the creators they're signed up to-- this has caused a lot of creators' earnings to drop dramatically and I'm currently not sure if there's any way to fix it outside of 1. hoping Patreon gets its shit together and 2. hoping that patrons whose payments got rejected due to the issue will come back and be allowed to pay. Hopefully it will all be fixed by the time the next payment period (at the beginning of September) rolls around, so hopefully you won't need to worry about it! But, well, we'll see what happens!


Ah, Got it. Hopefully this gets resolved soon before the next payment.