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Hi all, Keo here!

I'm back with another update - this time for Devon's route. The initial plan was to tackle only the first half of the remainder of the day this month, but I got carried away and write the rest of Day 3 for him. Happens. The update has 10k words of new content this time, and one new track.

So, anyway, I hope you enjoy it! It wasn't the easiest one to write, but that's a common thing among the updates lately, as we're finishing the third day, the halfway of the camp. I'll catch some rest now, and happy reading to you!

Download link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1BvWXdIKUgRTReJqwY-p-ytoZUiXyJcSE?usp=sharing 



Devon 💜❤️


I loved the change of the perspective. It’s so nice, to dive a little deeper into the other Characters thinking. It was honestly surprising so it feels even more natural! As always good job Keo! *gibs head pats* 😊