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My 5th year of digital art just finished! Thank you all for being with me on the journey and for your support! I couldn't be doing this 24/7 if it wasn't for you so thank you so much for the opportunity! :D

About next year goals... I'd like to finally get a distinct style I can be proud off, or maybe different styles idk. At least some other way of drawing that allows me to get things done faster and with a distinct spin compared to my usual work. Something based on using plain colors or a more sketchy style as well.

But definitely I'd want to diversify my techniques. Drawing everything in the same way will make it boring in the long run.

In terms of content tho, I'd like to finally get to draw the Pokegirls, maybe some other of my top 10 waifus, more things with my OCs, maybe creating some new ones idk...

In terms of schedule I refuse to make plans since I've been constantly proven I can't trust myself when it comes to it xD

I don't have plans of changing anything from the Patreon page as of now, so this will be all from me in 2022. Hope you had a great year and I wish you the best for 2023!



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