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Hi everyone!

I have a question, originally I intended to have it as a poll but I hope you can be clear enough in the replies.

It's about the current Character Contest benefit. Are you really satisfied with the current format (random pick within your choices)? or would you prefer to just let everyone or at least only you (tier 3 patrons) to vote between every character submitted, with multiple vote per patron of course?

Please let me know, if I see the answers are really divided I'll just have to make a poll to decide


I've read and reply to all of your comments. Seeing what the majority of you think I'll keep it with this format since it's more fair to less popular characters and the choices are still so few that everyone has decent odds to win in my opinion.

But keep in mind that eventually the day will come when the amount of patrons will be so big (hopefully xD) that the chances will be so astronomically low that I'll have to move this benefit to higher tiers.

The less I want is to turn this into a benefit with gacha levels of rates xD



I think random picking it's the best way to decide. Think of it this way, if I say Ram, but another person says a more "Famous” character, I can kiss goodbye to my chances at winning. You'll pretty much know from day one who the “winner” will be. That, at least in my opinion, makes it boring and not fun for those who want to see their not so famous characters receive some love. /srry for my bad english/

Steven Calliope

i would say still keep it random, it keeps it fair.


It's true and that's why I do it this way, there are times when a character is way too unpopular to the point when you know they won't stand a chance against more popular ones. Still, so far ANY character I thought it would have win on my polls have done it tho xD