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Maybe whoops?

- At egscomics 


It's probably fine?

That thing about vision going out of focus is based on my own frustrations with textbooks.

I don't want to be too harsh on textbook writers. Textbooks, and modern teaching institutions, are relatively new in the grand scheme of things. Even now, we're still sorting out the best ways to teach people, and how it might need to be adjusted for different individuals.

That out of way, some texts were so dense with tiny, uninteresting text that I could NOT retain any of it. When I tried, that vision going out of focus thing would happen. The text would just blend together. I was NOT going to do great in any course that required I read that book.

I do think I would do better these days, though, even with the same books. The simple reason for this is that there's text to speech options these days. Give me an audio version of the same thing, and I could manage.

"Hey, Dan! Why do you put self-indulgent nonsense in your comics?!"

Because this comic literally wouldn't exist if I didn't.

Which is not to say that's all the comic is! I'm just saying it never would have started in the first place, and I definitely wouldn't have stuck with it for anything close to this long if it wasn't as personal, and based on my own interests, at it is.


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Stephen Gilberg

You're making me want to write a textbook. To buck the trend.

David Fenger

How fortuitous that many of us find your self-indulgent nonsense entertaining to watch...


From about 8th grade on through high school, I would read the every text book we had cover to cover, usually within the first month or so. I discovered that the teachers did not teach the whole text book back then.

Warren (Stephen) Rose

Dang, yeah. I've been buying Kindle copies of some physical books from my unread shelf as, recently, my eyes can read text from my phone more easily than from paper.