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(Results in bold will be drawn)


  • Point of view of Ellen checking out someone they just FV5'd - 124
  • Ultra badass warhammer wielding vampire hunter Susan - 114
  • Nanase in dark makeup / clothing with magic spells at the ready - 76
  • Point of view of someone just shrunk out of their clothing by Rhoda - 45


  • Rhea and Charlotte catgirlified when Charlotte reads from a supposed (actual) magic book she found - 137
  • Tensaided and George as women, recognizable mostly be loose clothing and hair, somehow transformed by a miscievious cursed d20 - 82
  • Rich and Larry as women, recognizable only be loose clothing and hair colors, confused and by a wishing well after a wish went wrong (right)- 78
  • Amanda and Carol on live television and shrinking due to a demonstration of one of Amanda's inventions having gone wrong - 71

Comic (Three options now as decided by a poll)

  • Elliot transforming while Ashley says things to affect the outcome - 173
  • Grace and Sarah drinking magic tea together - 67
  • Ellen FV5's Nanase before using her copy spell on her - 63

Thank you for voting and for the support! I intend to post as many pinups as I can manage again starting next week. This week... This week started off more awkwardly and floody than planned >_<

Sidenote: I consider the milestone total for any given month to be the estimate at the end of the month, not what the estimate winds up being after the start of the month. As such, I consider the 4k goal to have been reached in April, and the "my choice" for it will be at least a one page comic.


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