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Suddenly RPG?!

- At egscomics 


And yes.

The text going off-panel in panel two is intentional.

As mentioned in the main comic section around this time, I resolved an issue I've been having with my drawing tablet that effectively made it so randomly interfered with my inking to the point that it was affecting my entire inking style. The seeming randomness of it made it difficult to diagnose, and I'm not made of drawing tablets, so it's something I've been dealing with for a WHILE.

Turns out it was as simple as keeping my tablet at a steeper angle.

Which is anticlimactic and a little embarrassing, but hey, I can use my tablet properly again.

I bring this up because there's a lot in this one comic (mostly to do with hair, but not entirely) that I wouldn't have attempted as recently as last week if for no other reason than how long it would've taken.




No, not my +3 age bonus to Int wis and cha!


Did she also sacrifice her ability to find cute bras in her size?