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Nanase doesn't get twice the salary by summoning Fox, but the tips are quite generous!

Which may or may not have something to do with why Nanase chose to make this specific trade when summoning Fox? It's a mystery.


I hadn't planned for Nanase and Fox to be working at a café. I had originally just planned for them to be wearing an outfit I'd sketched, and for Nanase to find the situation a bit awkward while possibly posing for Ellen?

But then it came time to color it, and several trains of thought collided on some sort of fox theme that looked to me like an unusual waitress uniform to me, so... Here we are.




Clearly, the next question is: what happens if Fox drinks the Tea? What about if she is then unsummoned?

John Trauger

If Mythbusters can be believed we know who will get better tips, controlling for similar service qulaity, etc.