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"As an example..."

- At egscomics


The previous comic wasn't entirely clear on what Ashley assumed about Nanase's actual physical strength, so now this exists.


It's worth noting that the authorial intent of the first panel is a VERY hyperbolic representation of Ashley's thoughts regarding Nanase. The intent was "Nanase is not as strong as she's making herself sound," not Nanase lifts... However heavy those might be? Those might be 3 lbs. weights? Those kind of look like it.

My plan was to just make Ashley look more muscular in the first panel, but the more I played with the layout, the more I found it didn't work without Ashley a) being in the background (I originally imagined foreground, which would have worked fine in a wider panel), and b) big enough to not look small due to being behind Nanase.


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Daryl Sawyer

Not only has she done ballet, she's done dance soccer.


Thinking about it, Ashley is no slouch either, holding a spontaneous plank, from underneath no less (as opposed to on her side) without even breaking a sweat! She should like, arm wrestle Elliot and find out she's stronger than him... or they do like a sit-up challenge depending on how muscles in ballet vs muscles in martial arts work.

Jenora Feuer

And when you get right down to it, that makes Nanase's question about ballet basically 'then you should know what to do when I do this'. I remember seeing Karen Kain (who was a ballerina and later Artistic Director for the National Ballet of Canada) doing a 'music box dancer' routine for a pantomime show her husband was putting on... and when she rose onto her toes wow were the muscles visible. A professional ballet dancer is definitely no less an athlete than a professional basketball player or the like.