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Before anyone asks, yes, that is a perfectly sensible outfit for sleeping in. OBVIOUSLY.

Prior to making this,  I was reasonably certain that comics would be easier than the previous 5-stage sequences. After making this, an 11 panel comic...

Yeah, I was right. The ability to move the view around and not be zoomed out all the time while trying to keep a smooth 5-stage transition going is way easier. Plus, there's more room for narrative silliness, so I'm definitely going to have more fun with these.

EDIT: I've added a 1080 pixel height version after reading a couple comments. I don't think this larger version looks as good unless viewed under the right conditions (full screen and/or as a wallpaper in my case), but is superior under those conditions.




Actually, hasn't Dan told us that Heidi is more or less asexual?


My grin will not leave my face.


I think I agree with Ellen's expression. Dang.


Is there a higher res version of this? It's kinda... pixelly. A+ on the content tho


Yeah, this seems unusually low res for a Patreon release. 620x918 is the release size for the normal greyscale comics on the main site.

Stephen Gilberg

Another appropriate time for Ellen to say "disturbingly hot"?


Very well done!!! I like this presentation style as well!


THIS FORM NEEDS A NAME. I mean seriously, we have Heidi, but Gothy and Mild Mannered don't have names yet?


So this is what love feels like


Hey Dan, what program do you use to view images? I ask because you say the higher resolution version looks worse, which would only really make sense if you're using a program with a poor quality resizing algorithm. This is a pretty common problem, actually, so I'd suggest looking into alternative image viewers. I personally use Irfanview.


Dan: "I'm definitely going to have more fun with these." I think we are *all* going to have a lot more fun with these. :)


Maybe Dan could make a poll or something? My suggestions are Raven for this form and Doris for the mild-mannered form.


Ellen's reaction may be the best part. :)


... Ellen's reaction is mine. *Tugs at collar*


In my experience, Irfanview tends to get better resizing results than much more advanced/expensive programs, like Photoshop.


I'm incredibly glad they'll be in comic form rather than the five-stages - this format is gonna be hella enjoyable for me personally.


Oh my...


I like to think Ellen is readying her clone beam in the last panel, and plans to stealthily copy that form and sneak away to the bathroom mirror.


Ahh the 3 foci of (almost) every magical girl transformation sequence...


In Windows Photo Viewer on my computer, they both look the same on the default zoomed-out view, but the larger one allows me to zoom in more before it starts getting pixelized.


Elliot's such a straight-laced character, otherwise I would have expected (s)he and Ellen to have made out in female forms at some point. Afterall, many people have wondered what it would be like to make out with themselves, and although they've both diverged, they were still once the same person, which means unlike twins, they both would know they've had those thoughts if they've had them.


Ellen would have to sneak over to Tedd's and have Grace help her scan the form for the TFG in order to be able to use it for a date with Nanase.


A potential sequel that is unlikely to happen would be Ellen using the clone spell to make clear to Elliot how awkward it is, leaving them both in the goth form they find extra hot, followed by behavior many would find much, much more awkward than anything previous.