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- "There are no points." (Grace talking to the Emissary of Magic)

Once again, I tried to make this less wordy.

I felt I needed to elaborate on why Cheerleadra was applicable, however, and it took me a while to sort out just how the heck to fit that in panel one.

Then panel THREE had less text, but I wasn't satisfied with it. After I wrote something I was satisfied with, it felt a little too dry, so I tossed in the elephant example.

I'm no longer making any promises of brevity of text. I clearly can not keep them. I only promise to try and be as reasonably efficient as I think I can be in context.

About that Elliot...

Given Ashley is suggesting that Elliot has experienced "playful sabotage" multiple times, I felt the need to present a form that hadn't been seen before.

I also felt that, for comedic reasons, it needed to be extreme, and the bar for that, um... That bar's been set pretty high already...

Basically, panel two is the result of basic math, and must be accepted, because math is objective.

So there.

Elliot's height in that image is unchanged from his default form, as by this point, Elliot often chooses to not change height while transforming. That form can reasonably be assumed recent because of this.



Daryl Sawyer

"So Nanase has to figure out how to put more magic into her Fox summon to make her easier to control." "Wow, that sounds difficult." "Actually, it was super easy, barely an inconvenience."


Don't think of a demonic elephant of some kind.


Be neat to have a larger version of that Elliot <_<

Matt R

That Elliot


That Eliot, gimme please. Lol


So Grace or Tedd have the job to distract Nanase for our amusement.

Connie Edogawa

oh, that's a good looking elliot.

James C

Probably worth Ashley mentioning those discoveries *after* Nanase has made her attempt. Even if she only mentions it to Tedd. Our scientific seer requires all the [DATA].


And now I want to see a side story arc of Ashley's "playful sabotage."


If it means we get to see a "Focused Nanase" followed by a "Distracted Nanase" with results similar to Sabotaged Elliot, I'm all for it. :)

Daryl Sawyer

Ashley (to Elliot, Whispering): Would it be funny if we distracted her at the right moment? Elliot (out loud, at the right moment): Hey, is that a demonic duck of some sort? Duck: Hey, it's you guys. I haven't seen you in, what, well over a decade? What's happening... BWAHAHAHAHA, okay yeah, this is a legit use of my talents. Nanase looks at Fox, who looks like a demonic suck.


"I dub thee Future Chronic Backache Eliot. "

Some Ed

So, if Nanase puts enough power into her Fox cast, would Fox be able to summon a foxling?


and Elliot being the best boyfriend ever, (although given https://www.egscomics.com/comic/2015-12-11) apparently he can "sabotage" himself without help :D