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Absurdly Powerful Arthur?

- At egscomics 


I saw the question of whether Kevin's last assertion meant Arthur was "absurdly powerful," and it made me want to write this.

I'm going to avoid anything this wordy or tangential going forward (I'm boldly assuming that will be appreciated), but once I thought of the example Kevin gives, I knew I was going to make this comic.

Never you mind!

We know it's possible for someone to summon Steve with a name he has given (which is why he gets called "Steve," a name Edward gave him), so there's probably a good reason Kevin's saying "never you mind."




But summoning Cthulhu is *kewl*!


An intelligent artefact is like a robot with AI. A direct summon is like remote controlling a robot and essentially trying to multitask. Solution? Build a magic AI to run the summon.


I like that Kevin is continuing in the fine mentor tradition of "I'm going to mention something offhand that you really shouldn't know about". :)


oops. Kevin has knowledge, but wisdom? Dunning-Kruger Effect, anyone?

Alex Fellman

Kevin shut up shut up shut up shut up

Some Ed

Is summoning Steve really all that difficult if he's already *there* in a layer? Or are all the possible summons already there in layers and it's just that Tedd happened to see that one?