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Nanase and her fox begins!

- At egscomics 


- Fox failing to fold clothes

I found the third panel a little awkward. I wanted Nanase's mom to go easy on Nanase based on the lie, but she also wouldn't tell Nanase not to worry about putting her clothes away, either.

This isn't a "Nanase's mom is strict" thing. It's just a reasonable thing to expect Nanase to do. What I find a little awkward about it is I can see it taken a different way.

Sort of the difference between "I'll help you remember" said in a happy way, and "I'll help you remember" said with QUIET MENACE.

Personally, reminders are super helpful. I get distracted by shiny objects. It's entirely possible a helpful reminder could make the difference between me getting something done at a sensible time and forgetting to do it for ages.



Connie Edogawa

tbf, Nanase, you didn't completely lie. you HAVE had stuff on your mind, and we've established that Fox only functions as well as you can allot concentration space to her in the past.

David Fenger

Getting kids to put their laundry away takes constant reinforcement...


I feel like prefacing "I'll help you remember" with "oh, that's fair" shows Nanase's mom as sympathetic. She can be strict, but her kid just gave her a reasonable explanation that she can understand because she's been there.

Opus the Poet

Confirmation that Nanase thinks in Japanese, at least when speaking it. I never reached that level when I was learning languages. I think that was because I learned so many. At one time I was conversational in English, Spanish, and French, and I could swear in Arabic, and was slightly conversational in Japanese. And I could program in Basic and Z8 and Z80 machine language. Then I got hit with a truck and the TBI basically erased all that and like 90% of my English vocabulary, leaving me aphasic for a long time, And that was Hell for someone who used to be a working (paid ) poet.