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A group effort.

- At egscomics 


"It had to both high priority AND ridiculous!"

In the end, it was the party as a whole that drove Marik the Cleric to kidnap a fancy chicken.





This is a very interesting plot. On one hand, it recognises Nanase as a plot essential character, or a plot driver. On the other hand, it establishes the others as the ‘spanned in the works’ and how they can exert control


I have to admit, I was expecting this adventure to be a silly little way for the characters to goof off. I was NOT expecting it to also include well-written conspiracy, betrayal, and comedy of errors coming from Ellen's decision to improv based on the party's distrust of an NPC's absence. Would that I could plot this well!

Wild Card

He's monologueing....

Michael Chui

Yeah, what John said. I'm a little awed by Ellen's skill here, but I'm terrible at storytelling, so what do I know.


Quite! But he actually might have a reason, if he's about to explain what he needs them to do in a way that he hopes will have them willing to do it.

David Howe

That's how you know they are a real villain - the monologues...