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I decided instead of a third "my choice" as the 4k milestone, it should be a two image "before" and "after" transformation of a character selected via poll. I think this is ultimately more fun than just a third "my choice" pinup.

Speaking of polls, the latest one will end at noon (USA Eastern time) tomorrow, so $5+ patrons have until then to vote (or adjust their votes) in the polls. The winner for the sequence and 2nd place for doubles are currently too close to call.

Single  - Double  - Sequence 

As for when pinups will next be posted, the earliest I'm comfortable guaranteeing anything is, again, on a Monday. All things being equal, there should be at least four new pinups before the end of that day.



Woot woot!


I don't know about the "more fun" aspect, your choices have already been fun and unpredictable than the "committee" decisions in many cases. =)


Thank you, but coming up with three my choices that I'm happy with is part of the issue. This option is easier on my poor fragile mind while being fun and potentially based on patron suggestions :D


At this point, it would not surprise me if one or two these came down to dice rolls ^^;

Jumpy James Johnson Junior

Suddenly I have a request, and I don't see a suitable recent post on which to post it so I am posting it here:<br>Susan getting hit with the full power of a close-up Charlotte eye-reveal, suddenly really, really wanting to put her touching practice to use and finding that Charlotte feels the same way.<br>Just the point of impact would work as a double, but I'd love to see the hug tightening too.