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Here are options for Elliot joining the bunnies! (Ashley and Susan.) 

Note that when I say "join", I mean it. Susan and Ashley will be on either side of Elliot in the resulting image.

Elliot's form will be feminine with their normal feminine figure (identical to Ellen), and will be in a bunny outfit. What's up for vote is height, and hairstyle.

Tall: About as tall as Susan.

Medium: As tall as Ellen.

Short: As tall as Rhoda (shorter than Ashley).

Longer hairstyle: The long hairstyle Elliot uses in his shorter, curvy form (choosing longer hair won't affect Elliot's figure).

(Can vote for more than one, poll will end early Monday morning.)


Otter Annason

shorter Elliot can get more thoroughly bunnied


long hair and medium height sounds the most harmonious


It's a darn shame long hair is so popular. Undercover secret identity librarian Elliot has a bob cut and it's Perfect! Also imagine Elliot being EVEN shorter, because she's the only one not wearing heels!


That's fair, I definitely like a girl with anything from a crew cut to a 'Rapunzel' and that trends towards wishing for more variety.


The teeniest of jokes 'But Sarah is a natural blond she'd be perfect!'

Prof Sai

Everyone should be shorter that everyone else. 😁


Granted, this is impossible, but this does suggest a desire to either have everyone shrink, everyone but one person shrink, or people shrink different amounts.


Oooh chain reaction shrinking.... mmmm hijinks ensue!

James C

A magical optical illusion that makes them see other people as being larger - so they all think they are the shortest, despite being the same size?


That's like a 20 page EGS NP at least! Circular References, and infinite recursion is fun. Going back and forth losing 1 inch at a time.