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More poll experimentation! The last poll seemed to work okay. There are ways it can be improved, which I will suggest to Patreon, but it's better than what we had.

Now, one of the winners of the previous choice was a non-canon pairing. ALRIGHT THEN! I'm going to list a bunch of characters, and the top two choices will be the subject of the pairing so long as - 

a) They're not a canon couple (or have been before)
b) They're not related

If the top two choices fail to meet that criteria, the first place winner will be paired with third place, or fourth,  or so on until there's no issue. The resulting pinup may or may not involve transformation depending on who winds up with who.

I'm going to set this poll to end at Noon (USA Eastern Time) on Friday. 

EDIT: Or I WAS, but I messed it up, and it's ending at MIDNIGHT! Because apparently AM and PM are things that exist. Who knew. I figure after it's been up all this time with the "this poll will end at that time" beneath it and me catching it so late, I may as well just let it run its course. Lesson learned, anyway.

You may vote for multiple characters.