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Many, many thanks. I look forward to August having a ton of new EGS content. I will NOT, however, be adding a 3,000 milestone. It's tempting, but I already have a lot of rewards to keep up with, and it's the 28th. I'd rather encourage people to keep contributing whatever they can / feel like next month to keep the EGS:NP train going in September.



Woo! I'm almost tempted to add a bit more to my pledge just from hearing you say you aren't adding more milestones. So many people doing the crowd-funding in various forms don't know when to stop with that sort of thing.


Give it a couple months and decide what you feel would be an appropriate incentive for $3k/month -- that is, for making your annual salary for EGS about 39 grand a year.


Suggestion for $3000 that wouldn't require you to create more comics per se: how about issuing one book per six months. I have the books you did publish way back, but I'd immediately buy a complete set if you would, you know, issue a complete set.


yeah I wouldn't mind buying a book, this is my favorite webcomic and would love to go back and read some of the earlier stories.

Hans Peter Bak

# Carl Fink: I'm right with you! :)


I agree that milestones related to publiching of books would be nice.


Not sure how a milestone covering several months would work, though.