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Editing a comic panel to create this was pretty fun - http://www.patreon.com/creation?hid=726755 Since I'm always looking for stuff to post here as temporarily exclusive content for 3+ patrons, if there's ever a recent panel one would like to see edited, feel free to speak up. No guarantee of me doing it (might not even be possible at times), but I do want to post lots of shiny creations, and it's fun and one more thing I could be posting.



Welllll, I daresay something amusing could be done with the third or fourth panel of strip # 1898. Or the sixth, for that matter.

William McDuff

Somehow, I feel like sixth panel of 1907 could be played with. Not sure how, though. For something more useful, a height switch of Panel 6 of 1905 might be amusing. Tall George is tall.