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It's the year 20XX, and for some reason, people are still renting DVDs (no, seriously, I know a few places you can still do this, this is totally still a thing).

After several incidents of renting the worst movies ever without any manner of "so bad it's good" motivation or desire to study our cultural heritage of terrible films, it was decided that rental guards were absolutely necessary.

They don't actually do anything, mind you, other than lounge around the rental place in red swimsuits, but there have been far fewer complaints as of late all the same.

It's worth noting that this is entire scenario is no dobut being daydreamed by one of the characters, and that character would probably do well never to tell Susan of it. Unless, of course, the character daydreaming about this actually is Susan, which would raise even further questions.




Hah, slipping in an old one as a poster, too. Funny, since it just means Tensaided is reacting to Susan yet again.

Paul Lenoue

This wouldn't happen to be the video rental place where the guys from Rifftrax hang out, would it?

Jumpy James Johnson Junior

This post needs a "Mrowl" button next to the "like" button. I love that tiny hint of a knowing smile!

John Trauger

Baseline Susan is sexy-awesome.


Nice :D


Susan looks good in red. :)


There aren't any video rental stores around here any more (Movie Gallery put the others out of business, then went out of business themselves), but there are several "Redbox" machines, which allow you to rent DVDs (or BluRays) of the latest movies. If you want something much more than a year or two old, though, you're usually out of luck...


We have a good bunch out where I live - there's even one chain that's still thriving(ish), Family Video.

J. Jenny Jameson

Even though, compared with the other pinups, this one is relatively simple/modest, I like it. A lot. Like, more than all the others this month. I must contemplate this.

Daryl Sawyer
