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First off, thank you all so much for your generous pledges, $50+ patrons! I am very appreciative! Secondly, if any of you have a general idea of which character(s), form(s), and outfit(s) you're going to request, it could be helpful for me to hear it in advance. I'll be asking for final confirmation after the month is over, and I won't hold it against anyone if they change their minds about what they want to request later, but having a *general* idea could still help me get them out faster when the time comes. If you do have a general idea and would like to let me know, there should be a handy "contact Dan" link below the image of Grace in the Milestone sidebar on the EGS Patreon page :)


Kaz Redclaw

Weird, I just got all of these back messages about $50+ patrons, when I'm only at $1. I wonder what happened there?