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If it is possible to be too supportive of a platonic friend, an indication of it might be hearts forming in your friend's eyes.

I cannot personally confirm this is a thing that actually happens in reality, however, so it might be necessary to use some other type of indication.



Stephen Gilberg

Incidentally, a friend called me cool the other day. It took me aback, because it was a personal first.

Matt R

and there was much squeeing/screams of joy from the shippers


Tired: Elliot doesn't allow Ashley X Grace Wired: Elliot says "You can have Grace if I can have Fem Tedd"


So much of your cast is exactly who the rest of your cast needs around


we move ever closer to the formation of the egs omni-cule


Further proof that everybody loves Grace. :) And while I don't want any of the canon couples to break up, I have no trouble adding Grace to my non-canon Ashley-Rhoda ship. :p


Grace in panel 2 like, "yeah hold on I'm just gonna make her fall in love with me real quick"

Daryl Sawyer

This is like the earlier "so cool" moment.