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EDIT - Fixed the attached comic to the right comic. Sorry about that. I attached the last image in the folder on reflex, which, due to an earlier edit, was not actually the latest EGSNP.

Squirrel fiiiiiight!


I felt it would be cowardly of me to resolve a fight scene between two squirrels with a "whichever one I feed" thing going on in any way other than one squirrel eating the other.

That being said, there was no way I was going to draw it, so I hope everyone knows that's what the "nom" implied!

And "good" Pirate Queen Grace has shorter shorts because usually its characters who've gone evil that wind up in skimpier clothes, and it amuses me to subvert that, but I didn't have a lot of clothes on Grace to work with.




Gogeta called to complain about Grace needing only one person for the stunt :)


I agree with Susan's expression.


The attachment link is for the unedited Parable 185 comic, not the current comic.

Paul Rendell

And Susan remains traumatised for the rest of the game.


Aww... I was enjoying BadGrace. Plus her evil squirrel was way cooler than that fluffy monstrosity that won out 😉


"NOM FUSION GOODNESS!" is pretty much perfect for how this game has been going so far. :p

John Trauger

I feel good....but I'm still going to shoot you. :)

Stephen Gilberg

That exclamation could be taken as "The good squirrel prevails!" or "Oh my goodness!"