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Of course.


Susan is about 1:8 scale, while Jay is 1:12.

Some wondered if it was Susan's halo that made the "clang" noise after the previous comic. Honestly, I'm not sure myself the physicality of the halo.

For comedic purposes, I've had it interact with what it touches, but I don't think there's much in the way of tangible mass to it. I think it will essentially just move out of the way of whatever touches it without much force, while always returning to Susan.

Ultimately, though, the rules of how it work at any given moment are governed by what I personally find amusing, hence how it's wound up on the floor.




1:12 scale? Figures. ;)


There's barely any mass to aerogel, yet it makes a cool sound when hitting things. =)

Joe Blue

I knew it! XD I knew she'd end up smaller! XD


And as a consequence she's better covered in the torsal region than before. Game logic.

Stephen Gilberg

Sheesh, I hadn't noticed the size difference between them at first. I'd like to see Susan use the halo as a chakram.

Some Ed

I think the artist not thinking that there's much tangible mass there rules out both uses. Though, if it doesn't have much tangible mass, but is entirely tangible, then it would work well as a floatation device. (My browser says that floatation only has one a, but I like your spelling better, so I'm running with it. What does `flot` mean anyway?)