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You know he's evil. He said so!


Previously, in the previous EGSNP commentary:

"Wait! This will be great for the next comic! Huzzah!"

And now, our story continues.

Or did. I guess these are read after the comic, if they're read at all.




You can tell that guy is an evil mook by the density of unkempt stubble afflicting his chin!

Stephen Gilberg

If he were really evil, he would punish her for being good.


I DO read them, but yes, after the comic.

Paul Lenoue

Wait, you mean _we're_ the baddies in this story? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hn1VxaMEjRU


I said no such thing! I said we're the bad guys. That just means not as good. I could be neutral! Or I could've been referring to our lack of skill. For instance, I have low perception and insight scores and so I don't realize that the halo could be a sign that you're being rescued...

Opus the Poet

You mean those horns aren't part of the helmet?