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I haven't tried that sleeping position. I bet it's not great.


While this scenario is quite different, the wording in panel three deliberately references an episode of Justice League Unlimited called The Great Brain Robbery.

Spoilers for that episode ahead, obviously.

Hero The Flash and villain Lex Luthor switch bodies (because reasons). Lex, a villainous villain, decides to make the most of the situation by finding out the secret identity of The Flash! In front of a mirror, he lifts The Flash's mask, AND...

Well, you saw the third panel.

Not that it probably would have helped if he did know. Lex is Superman's arch-nemesis, aka the guy whose master disguise is glasses and body language. Or weird psychic alien nonsense or something depending on who's writing and their tolerance for what should be ineffectual disguises.

Personally, I think if you're writing around a character like Superman? Go silly. You can still have heart and characters worth caring about, but if your protagonist is an alien being who can bench press several tanks, have a sense of humor about it.




Any readers know who she is in the main comic?


Wind back a month or two in the main comic. Jay, the pizza delivery girl. Also the gossip during "The Legend of Diane". Also Smoke.


It's good to see Jay looking so very magical. :)


Cute ♥ I love that JL episode. "Did you wash your hands?" "NO! ... Cause I'm EVIL!"


Personally, I’ve always been a fan of the explanation for Clark Kent getting away with being Superman being that nobody believes Superman has actually has a secret identity. What’s Superman’s real name? Kal-El. Where does he live? The fortress of solitude. What do people say when they notice Clark Kent bears a strong resemblance to Superman? Wow, you look just like Superman!

Paul Lenoue

At least she's not sleeping like a cat: https://tinyurl.com/y2opdm5l


Yep, the Lex Luther quote came to mind before I even read the commentary.

Andrew Pam

Now I'm reminded of Perfuma's immortal line from She-Ra: "We don't throw tanks at our friends!"


That was probably the funniest moment in that show other than maybe the power suit bit during Darkseid.

Stephen Gilberg

Good thing Lex didn't swap minds with Batman, the Green Arrow, or anyone else whose secret identity is an in-universe famous person.


Well, that was unexpected. I honestly thought it would be either Sarah, or Ted in female form.


Wait, wasn't Smoke Camdin? Luke's acquaintance? *sudden realization* That was Pony-Hair Girl stalking Grace and Sam! "You're a Wizard, Jay! " This reveal now makes perfect sense, Susan didn't see her delivering the 'za (though she probably heard the "mohawk ponytail situation" description, but in character hasn't seen the ponytail yet) and hasn't seen her at MNHS, and she's a - right, I'm repeating myself. I'll stop now.

Jared Fattmann

Actual internal monolog when I saw somebody identify her in the comments: she didn't seem nearly that busty in the story comi--hero of MAGIC, right.


There was a story in the comics where Luthor hired an investigator to find out Superman's secret identity, and then refused to believe it when told that it was Clark Kent. He couldn't wrap his mind around Superman wanting to be a plain old newspaper reporter rather than say, a doctor or scientist or somebody who did something important--he was expecting more of a Tony Stark or Bruce Wayne type. It is likely that a lot of people share that viewpoint--that Superman would not want to be a nobody. What they don't get is that he wants to be a nobody in part because it's his escape from the pressures of being a hero.