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A timely complication.


AKA why it's recommended almost everyone who plays Skyrim gets their Illusion skill up to 50, thereby gaining access to the "silent casting" perk.

Fun fact, that perk makes abilities known as "shouts" silent. You can literally shout someone off a cliff without breaking stealth.

In any case, yes, this is more peanut butter from one video game getting into another's chocolate.

Also, Catalina is adorable.



Stephen Gilberg

My thought was "Majora's Mask."


Calling Skyrim or any given Fable game either peanut butter or chocolate is a bit of a drag on delicious substances, even when used as metaphor. :V


I've played Skyrim for hundreds of hours, primarily with stealth characters, and I don't think I've EVER leveled my "Illusion" beyond like 5... =/

Paul Lenoue

Two guards standing by a closed doorway. Big flash of light off panel. Guard 1: What the hell was that? Guard 2: I think someone just cast a stealth spell.


I think the real crime is breaking Catalina's cat pose. For shame....


So are you saying she should level up magic again to get silent casting?


Skyrim: It just works


Catalina is sooooo adorable on this page. And Susan looks mega cute with that smile in panel 1, too.