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Which characters / forms would you like to see in the single character poll for this month?

Please check to see if a character has already been mentioned, and reply to that comment if you have something you want to say about that character and what form you might like them in. You can also "like" comments without commenting yourself to help give me an idea what people are interested in.

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Jared Fattmann

Sexy vampire Sarah from the card game arc


Nanase playing dress up from: <a href="http://www.egscomics.com/index.php?id=1706" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.egscomics.com/index.php?id=1706</a>

Jumpy James Johnson Junior

Can I draw some designs for her? Wait. Does "Nanase modelling her favourite half of Chris' designs" count as one character or half a dozen?


@Chris, what it sounds like you need is an unobstructed shot of Nanase in her undies so you(and anyone else) can go paper doll with designs. Maybe suggest that for next month. Though tbh I'd prefer Ellen or Sarah, so we really need a shot of most of the cast in their undies to give people more options. What reward tier gets us that?

Jumpy James Johnson Junior

I think it was $150 for a 5-character drawing, so for Ashley, Catalina, Charlotte, Diane, Ellen, Grace, Nanase, Rhoda, Sarah, Susan, Vladia and Ashley's two friends from "The Physics professor is crying again" we'd presumably have to pay $510 (because asking Susan to pose for a lingerie or bikini shot counts as asking at least 5 people).

Jumpy James Johnson Junior

Actually, Susan in lingerie? Could that ever happen? Could Curiosity persuade Logic that it was worth it just to find out how it feels and/or how ... oh, Ellen, for example ... would react? Somehow I doubt it. Still, it's an idea for a big picture: each of the girls modelling the sexy underwear she bought specially to wear it just for a particular other person. Ellen and Nanase for each other, Sarah for Elliot, Ellen, Grace or Sam judging by recent EGS and EGS:NP, Ashley for Elliot, Diane for ... Elliot again, actually ... Catalina and Rhoda for each other, Grace for Tedd, obviously, Vladia for ... what *is* Vladia up to these days? Susan, though, might possibly wear a Victoria's Secret outfit just for ..... whom? O.o I'm drawing a blank here.