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The manly pecs of a manly man.


I know that last panel isn't anything close to resembling actual logic please don't yell at me I'm so sorry

Today's comic is brought to you by my imagining Elliot in the last panel sounding like a young Woody Harrelson playing the character of, well, Woody on Cheers.

Also, the fact that I didn't feel ready to do the next real part of the story, but mostly the Cheers-inspired thing.

Blacksmith Dunkel has been increased in size and mass once again in order to look large relative to who's talking to. As for the lack of a blacksmith apron, um... Um... They're difficult... to... draw?

Yeah, that's the ticket.




His reasoning is sound.


Also sexy abs. You can say "sexy abs", Dan. Try it. It is freeing. One in ten chance this development will become moot as Susan "corrupts" Rhoda by... minor league frisky choices and pragmatism?

Matt R

To say that Elliot is envied would be an understatement

Stephen Gilberg

If they're only girlfriends and not wives, then it's not bigamy.


Is it just me or does the first panel almost look like Susan has Rhoda on a leash? I realize it's the tail after looking at it for a moment (and remembering there was a tail).


And while multiple girlfriends is *usually* frowned upon, clearly these particular two are ok with it, so I fail to see the issue here.