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It's genuinely the most overpowered class of abilities in games.


Firstly, sorry about the lack of an EGSNP this past Wednesday. A combination of lack of sleep and something unexpected coming up resulted in the delay.

There actually is a slow time spell in Fable 2. On its own, it's pretty good. Combined with high level offensive magic, it's broken.

It's a bit convoluted to explain how exactly the magic system works, but each spell has five levels of power. You can tap the spell casting button to cast a level one spell, but for levels two and up, you have to hold the button down for progressively longer times before letting it go.

You can mix which spells get cast at which charge, so you could set one spell to go off at a level three charge, and different ones at one, two, four, or five.

Point is, leading with a quickly cast Slow Time to give yourself time to charge up an area of effect offensive spell makes combat absurdly easy.

It also gets easier the more magic you have. Spell charging gets faster as you get more magic, so it's easy to very quickly use a level three Slow Time spell, and then charge up a level five area of effect Fire Ball.

I wouldn't say it's the most fun way to deal with enemies, but it'll get the job done.




Time Magic is quite good in certain Final Fantasy titles, as well. I remember Stop being broken as hell in FF8, because it's a total stun that works on a surprising number of *bosses*, who are usually immune to all status effects. And it's always a god idea to caste Haste on your own party.

Daryl Sawyer

TIID KLO UL! An insanely useful shout.

Joe Blue

the points made in this are spot on XD fireballs ARE cool. but Time magic is far more handy

Stephen Gilberg

When I played "Diablo II," I always favored ice spells over fire, lightning, or poison. Sure, they did relatively little damage per hit, but there's no substitute for slowing the enemy. I also used the assassin's self-speeding spell (sorry, lispers) whenever I could.

James C

Time magic ALSO makes it easier to learn fireball spells.


Especially with mods that add more realistic combat mechanics, like flanking or enemies being more vulnerable while they themselves are attacking. Or, y'know, what Dan described, except with master level destruction spells.


There was a stop time spell in Ultima V. It had the disadvantage that if you hit anything that thing got broken out. Still it was great for packs of big nasties.


OK, so, my question is: how useful is Slow Time without any other spells? Will it also speed up your melee attacks, or the rate at which you Run Away!?


Yeah, I'd rather have Time Manipulation over Fireballs


Slow time has many useful functions. Like lining up headshots with ranged weapons, getting some melee hits in on a priority target, or just making space for yourself.

Some Ed

If your fireballs are cool, you're doing something wrong. Just so you know. Admittedly, if you do that something more wrong, you may get iceballs, which are more than cool.