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Too... Many... Cupcakes...!


Tedd is correct.

And wearing glasses for some reason, which is a bit of science of my own.

So, of course, I don't have any closeups of her, and insisted that she be lying down like that.

Which was, of course, the correct choice, but still.




Tedd anything you do is cute!

Connie Edogawa

Tedd is adorable here. I wish I were half that cute.


Love Tedd's final line.


I love that Tedd is comfortable enough being herself that she's laying in Elliot's lap being... comfortable.


Equally true of Elliot. They both would have been a lot more uncomfortable in the old days.


Casual girl-Tedd is the bestest.


....Since when is eating three cupcakes considered a lot?

Dan Merget

Elliot's body fat is measured in micrograms. By his standards, that was probably three month's worth of junk food all at once. :-)


If they're little cupcakes, that's a little indulgent. If they're bigger cupcakes, that's like more than one piece of cake with... Maybe more icing? This is gonna vary by cupcake.


So they're not 3 of the world's largest size, which was 2,594 lbs? That's good.


If it weren't for Grace and Tedd being so happy together, I'd consider this strip dangerously close to the kind of romantic tension that makes you want to thwap each character upside the head since they are having so much trouble with that "a ha" moment when they realize that they were meant for each other.


Casual best friend-cuddling is the best cuddling.


I imagine she's wearing glasses because she was going for a specific "look" this time. And for authenticity, maybe they're real glasses and Tedd added nearsightedness to her list of available watch TFs.


Actually, by this time it's probably her wand and she went for the whole Hariette Potter package :D

Stephen Gilberg

It immediately reminded me that Dan has repeatedly hinted that they could easily have been a couple under slightly different circumstances.


There is a part of me that's still curious to how that would have gone.


While I don't expect this, it wouldn't surprise me for a polygamous relationship to form at some point. This would also "solve" Susan's problem, in that in order to enjoy watching people do things, you need to have people to watch do things, who are ok with you watching.


I've been trying - and failing - to figure out how Tedd can have her* hand behind her head without the arm it's attached to being visible. Maybe this form is seriously double-jointed?


* I'm not sure if Tedd uses female pronouns while female, or if he sticks to male pronouns. If the latter, he has my apologies, and please pretend that the "her"s in the above post are "his"s, at least until I can edit it. ^_^


I suspect Grace would not mind: http://egscomics.com/comic/2017-03-31


I'm definitely expecting at least a poly triad between Tedd, Grace and Sarah. All the signs are there.


A purple-haired female named Cupcake - Cassiopeia Quinn reference?


I think Dan has said that Tedd uses--and Dan definitely uses in referring to Tedd--pronouns that match Tedd's current form, so you're probably fine. :)