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There's apparently an issue going on with payments at the moment. Apparently failed payment e-mails are being sent out, but you shouldn't cancel or retry just yet? Not entirely sure of all the details yet. Saw this in my twitter feed about it - https://twitter.com/KingImpulse/status/616363599393607681 Also, this - https://twitter.com/Patreon/status/616363723423232000



Dang, wish I'd gotten this news a few hours ago, before I did the retry. I assumed my CC's info was out of date because of my recent move.


For some reason the URLs weren't links, but maybe they'll turn into links if I post them in a comment? Edit: nope, no automagical linking. Either way, the first tweet was "hey, there's an issue with Patreon" and the second was Patreon saying "we're aware of the problem, working on it".


Same as Robert - wish I'd read your note first. 15minutes of frustration getting them to switch cards when I apparently didn't need to. Thanks for the note however, was somewhat paranoid that I missed a card hack or something.


Me too. I messaged Patreon to make sure the payment goes through but they must be getting thousands of messages about this. Thought it was just me :(