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Carol explained the complexities of why this didn't count as raiding while they were raiding.


I've only encountered this exact nonsense in Fallout 4, but it's nonsense worth addressing.

In that game, you can tell your companions to equip nearly anything you can equip, and any bits of armor they equip will take up an armor slot (such as left leg, right arm, torso, etc).

Their default outfits tend to take up their arm, leg, and torso slots, so if they're wearing their default outfit and you tell them to equip something on their left arm, that's suddenly all they're wearing (aside from headgear). They won't automatically put the default outfit back on if you take the left arm gear back, either.

What's also funny is that said left arm gear could easily provide more protection on its own than the default outfits.

This doesn't happen in any other games I've played, though it wouldn't surprise me it there were games I haven't played in which similar could happen.




That's hilarious. :) And I love the difference in how they're attacking in the first panel.

Hans Peter Bak

That's so stupid. It should have been corrected in Alpha tests. (programmer here speaking)


It's not a bug, though. Certain outfits take up multiple slots by design, and there are classes of clothing that are designed to be worn under armor while others are not. Most default companion outfits are bulky, and it makes sense that you couldn't put armor over them. The either/or of it makes sense up until you consider the fact that they presumably could take off their coats and still have something on underneath. There are a lot of issues with how its designed, such as the fact that many unique armors that use up the torso and all the limbs slots just aren't effective when compared to wearing five legendary bits of gear with armored underclothing, but the scenario in the comic isn't a bug or glitch. It's more like a quirk.

Hans Peter Bak

That makes sort of sense I guess, but I still think it's stupid. The entire design is stupid in the game. The comic on the other hand is satire. ;)

John Trauger

The new outfit gives better armor bonuses too... :)

Jared Fattmann

Hey, if Carol wants to dress like that, I see no reason to argue with her

Kevin Wright

Well of course it does. Standard female fantasy armor *requires* a bare navel. More skin = more armor. Even works on men, barbarian classes anyway, right? :D


There's also mods, so you can find out that they did it just to avoid certain overlaps by declaring outfits take up fewer slots. But the basic concept isn't remotely unique. Two-handed weapons preclude dual-wield. Some helmets preclude glasses, but it makes sense to wear hats + glasses. They wanted that functionality, and went with a hidden slot mechanic that makes some clothes bump others off the body... and some odd edge cases where a glove takes up an arm slot and would usually just take off a long shirt or jacket but an "outfit" was a trenchcoat + pants + shirt + shoes so now they're barefoot. But they went with the character's specific attire being a single piece "outfit" so they could design the character's initial appearance to be unique and eye-catching... and hard to overwrite, because it's gotta survive a hundred people tweaking a thousand files and mucking things up. The art dept probably designed the characters a lot earlier than some of the other stuff. =D It's not that there's *one* thing that needs fixing... this is the result of a process that had to produce the rest of the game. And the basic system's also a hand-me-down from the last couple games. If you're going to change it, you better have something that's not just better, it's so much better that it's worth the labor costs... and I dunno about you, but I do not have that level of confidence that I can envision a system that doesn't have equivalent or greater problems down the line.


Y'know beyond the obvious charming things here (hue hue pretty lady) I DO really like Carol and am glad she's here to play a longer part than she has in the main comic


Smash cut to Sarah's embarrassed face! "Hey! That's my sister in there! ... metaphysically speaking"


"Normally you add your Dex bonus to your AC: the faster you are, the harder you are to hit, right? But if you wear *little* enough armor, you get to add your CON to the mix too (your flesh's armor, as it were)! So now I'm rocking the armor bonus, the Dex bonus, AND my Con bonus! I'm INVINCIBLE!"

James C

You forgot to add the "distraction" CHA bonus from oiling the muscles...