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A perfect execution of this joke / observation would have the super orc covered in arrows and surrounded by his fallen comrades before concluding he'd imagined Grace, but, y'know... Grace. 

A Grace who hasn't been angered by slavers or people threatening her waifus, I mean.


Ninja Grace!

Not gonna lie: I mostly just wanted to actually show a super orc and Grace hiding.



Stephen Gilberg

But not a sleepy ninja this time.


Might as well call this storyline "Grace plays all of Bethesda's western RPGs at once".

Matt R

Grace's eyes really steal the show here.


I know this isn't really the spot for it, but don't know where to put this: in today's main comic post, what's up with Grace? She seems unusually nervous... I'm worried I've forgotten something, or worse that it's foreshadowing something bad is coming...


While I do love Grace's eyes in this comic, I feel the Super Orc's expression in the final panel is the real star here.

A Red Mage Named Blue

This is what happens when you make WIS your dump stat.


There's possibilities. Mostly involving people she could be considering inviting.

Some Ed

Does this mean she's soon going to go into a dungeon and run against a wall with a mural on it a few times, until she can get through the wall and out into the empty space between the dungeon walls and fly around? (I'd have suggested using the ceiling of a downward sloping passage while crouched, and then standing and jumping to get out, except, well, murals.) I also liked the bit where one could access their cart from the exit of a building, rather than going out, and then run around inside the building dumping everything directly into their cart, including unpurchased shop goods. Except that really doesn't seem like Grace's bag. Yes I know this bug was fixed by a patch that came before the one that let you actually win at the game, but I found it more fun to break the game than win it.


Don't forget walking into a plate held up against a wall or door to glitch your way through it.


Grace's waifus, you say...?


You might want to look into joining the EGS subreddit over at www.reddit.com/r/elgoonishshive for such discussions. :)


Max Agility with species & clothes bonus'


What about putting a horse at a really steep angle and then unmounting, being thrown this way all the way to the other side of the map at incredible speed?

Daryl Sawyer

I prefer the thing where you clip the top of a low fence just right and somehow it catapults you across the map.


There's also the thing where you stand on a log pile while the saw is running, and get flung into the air when the log lands on you. Edit: Also mountain climbing via horses standing at impossible angles.