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Really, the only thing shocking about Ashley's explanation is that she apparently made this artifact in the nineties.


I had originally planned for the scales to be just part of the puzzles, and for what Diane was after to be something else. I'll elaborate on what it was going to be later, though fair warning, it's not particularly exciting.

What I realized, however, was that a lot more of this nonsense adds up with this dungeon and fairy Ashley if it's the scales, including why the last part was the way it was. I also like the reason I've come up with for Diane wanting the scales.

It would also be a bit weird for there to be two artifacts with the one at the end was just some other thing Diane wanted. I like it simply being the scales better.




And now the truth comes out. Diane wants ALL THE BOOTY. Truly a diabolical plan.


I called the Rebalancing Scales being the artifact, but I figured they would leave it behind and realize it too late. Ah well. :D

Matt R

Well, this is awkward.

Kenneth A Graves

And then Diane and Susan were suddenly the same height.


Will the terror of NOT FUNSIES ever be abated?


So, Dianne's evil plan is to "rebalance" some features between herself and someone else... I wonder who, or if she'll try to betray Nanase using them...


I'll bet/really hope, she (Diane) wants to use it on other people to help Rhoda get taller. "This is so mundane and not funsies at all!" an angry Ashley proclaims!


Overly Dramatic Ashley is somehow cuter than Regular Ashley, which is quite a feat. :P


Wait, you mean this is gonna be the retroactive explanation for the Rhoda and Lucy being rebalanced sketchbook?


Giggle. This particular story line is quite amusing. Thanks.


I was imagining something more super villain-y, like stealing the height from every boy at school (or maybe everyone except her) and making Rhoda super tall.


this is so deeply adorable.... "it could be used... for NOT funsies"


It would totally be funny if that were the real reason why Diane wanted it and was willing to pay up to twenty million bucks for it.