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Friendly reminder that, throughout all this, Sarah is still nearly 2x as big as... Well, I was going to say "normal", but she's already transformed beyond just size.


I don't consider panel one a complete disaster, and if should be apparent by panel two that she's referring to their figures being equalized. If I had infinite time, however, I would redo the panel with more of her shown to make that more immediately clear.


I've basically decided the point of all this isn't puzzles, and they wouldn't really be fun to show in this format anyway. I do, however, want to put thought into why they need to transform, and I like this set of circumstances that mean Nanase needs to be taller.




I appreciate the commentary, and would agree that panel 1 could use some work. It took me reading the entire comic twice and reading the commentary twice to realize that Nanase had gotten her boobs back. I am surprisingly unobservant...


"Final Grade C-: Nothing was life threatening, so that is a major plus but the puzzles just got easier and easier as we went through it. That last puzzle was angeringly easy!! I'm stealing this scale too, so you probably can't get your boots back anymore." -Sarah

Stephen Gilberg

I figured it out quickly enough. Actually, my slight complaint is that this strip starts fast and ends slow. At least, Nanase's panel 3 explanation is longer than it has to be.


It only just occurred to me that having a set of weights to place on the scale in order to manipulate the balancing of attributes would have made sense.

Daryl Sawyer

... these are Skyrim's puzzles, aren't they.


I suspect there is a version of this script where Dan read it and went "but will people be able to visualize what she's saying?" and decided clarifications are good, and there was plenty of room for it.

David Howe

At least they don't have to go and buy a different coloured gun to shoot each symbol....


Only 500 Nasegems in the DLC store! (Nasegems cost $9.99 for a pack of 450, and are only available in increments of 450.)