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Wait, should I have made Sarah Blue? I mean, her hair is yellow blonde, and I wanted a monochromatic feel, but if she were blue, this would be a "red and blue" situation. There's probably some sort of joke in there. I could have referenced Team Fortress 2 and stuff.

Ah well.



Matt R

Nanase probably could've rocked green in all honesty because redhead along with Sarah in blue


Knuckles & Sonic instead of Knuckles & Tails?


I had thought when you mentioned them keeping their colours, that you meant their outfits as well, like Sarah's leotard would be lavender or whatever her shirt was, and Nanase's would be the green from her swimsuit.


Always happy to see colored versions of NP strips!


I keep hoping to see the two with the same color pallet as an extra piece


As always your colors are a treat. A personal curiosity, but I'd love to see what sort of ridiculous game-esque or more absurd, color pallets you might try. (like if the dungeon were a bouncy castle) Keep up the good work!