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And one clear reason why we had to stop with the CGI outfit nonsense is revealed.

The sound effects in the second half are not for clarity, but mostly because I feel it's more fun with them. I originally had none of that, and I felt it was lacking something.

Attached is the version with them together (less width), and them separately (normal NP HD sizes).




Ohhhhh. I see where this is going. And I most definitely support it.

James C

Hmm... If someone were to hit one of them with a growth spell while the scale was balancing them, would the girls just keep getting bigger? Because, I think even Rhoda has limits to how large she can make someone normally. (Of course, you would have trouble leaving the room if you were too tall)


Ah, the origins of the Attribute Balancing Scales!

Stephen Gilberg

Thank you for keeping their hair colors. At least as far as we can tell in B&W.


I already see the solution, and this is clever. Will steal for a DND campaign.


Oh how I love the sexy shenanigans that have occurred during this storyline. I'm curious, though. I'm not sure if it's just your relatively simple art style, or my failing eyes, but have more than just their heights and busts been balanced? Nanase's eyes seem slightly rounder in the last panel, so I'm curious if, besides the hair, they are now identical twins.


Ones that I notice: Height, Hairstyle, Bust Size, Facial Features, Clothes (although those were less "balanced" and more Sarah's clothes changed to match NC's). Given both faces and busts "balanced", I bet their entire figure/body did, but it's hard to tell with what's visible here.


Ahhh, I see now. With the higher resolution version available from the download links, I finally notice the facial feature changes. I wonder what would have happened if Nanase Craft had taken a *male* companion with her into this room... :)


I'm torn, smaller Nanase chest, but bigger Sarah...

Otter Annason

it stole their rucksack


Woo! Nanase Sarah Hybrids!


Forsooth where is the blessed EBAMMWAM when we need him?

John Trauger

I'm pretty sure Nanase's bimbo transformation left her with a little extra bust to share...


Wow. ilike it


Upon taking a closer look at this page, I really appreciate the sheer artistry that went into it. Not only is the "balancing" of their attributes done very well, but it's also clear that in the last panel, you didn't just mirror one of them and change her hair color. Those are clearly two different illustrations that are *nearly* identical. I think the only significant difference is that Nanasarah is at a slightly different angle to the camera than Sarahse. Seriously, Dan, this is an outstanding page.