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Whether this nonsense should apply to Nanase was put to a vote, and the answer was 61% yes, 18% no, and 21% neutral! The comments, interestingly, were mostly "no", but I listened to the numbers!

Objective, delicious numbers.

For those not a fan of this, however, it won't last to the final puzzle.

Side note: Sarah missing her neckwear from the previous comic isn't a mistake. I decided I didn't like it, and heck, the explanation for what we're seeing is CGI nonsense, so it's not exactly a big thing for it to be gone.

As a bonus, here's some insight in to how I handle shadows and transparency. I use colors to make it easier to tell where I've added shadows and what areas will wind up transparent (with a background layer behind them).

The colors are easy to replace, and this makes it more obvious when mistakes are made. For example, if I have a shadow over a transparent part, it results in a color that's easy to spot, so there's less chance I'll miss that mistake.

I don't always use green and blue, mind you, but the point is I use different colors at first to help me spot mistakes.





Stephen Gilberg

I have mixed feelings. On one hand, typical cavewoman outfits are skimpy. OTOH, I sure wouldn't go for an actual cavewoman.

Matt R

That outfit on Nanase looks fantastic! Good work, Dan


What was that line from early EGS... Something about frequent and gratuitous loincloth removal?

Dragon Writer Luc

With a real hammer like Sarah told Tedd or like Catalina used on Rich and Larry?

Merle Blue

Hurrah! Cave outfits for everyone!


It does seem to look better on her, doesn't it?

Andrea Andrew

I guess Sarah and Nanase are going out clubbing tonight.


I'd've voted for Cave Nanase


And now that we have loincloths, we're halfway there. :)


Part of it is just Nanase Craft (especially in her partially transformed state) has a better figure for this type of outfit, what with the abs and the cleavage. But it's also partially because of the angle: that type of hanging loincloth looks best from the side, where the exposed hip is on display. Also, Sarah's loincloth doesn't ride as high on the hips: NC's comes up to the belt, whereas Sarah's hands out a little below that, which only serves to emphasize how much better NC's side-angle is.

Wild Card

Yes! Time to bring back the hammers!


Thanks for the glimpse behind the curtain!